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Page Revision: 2012/01/26 06:59

T4 supports sending data via DDE to other applications, such as Microsoft Excel.

To send quote data you need to have an open Quote Board window containing the markets that you want to see, then click the ‘DDE’ button and go to Excel. Right click on a cell in Excel and choose the ‘Paste’ menu item. This will paste a table of links to T4 that contain the same markets and columns as your Quote Board. Alternatively, you can right click on a single value in the Quote Board and select the ‘Copy DDE Link’ menu item, then paste into Excel and only that value will be linked.

Note: For Excel to get quotes the Market MUST be displayed in the T4 frontend somewhere, either in a Quote Board or contract window BEFORE it is linked to from Excel. This also applies if you are loading a saved Excel spreadsheet.

The DDE link format for market data in Excel is:



is the unique identifier for the market in T4. This does not match any exchange published symbol. You can only obtain these by using the above method of copying the link for a value from T4 and pasting it into Excel or some other application.

is the data value of the market that you want, for example last trade price. The valid values are shown below:


DescriptionThe name of the market.

NumeratorThe smallest amount that the price of a market can move by, in ticks.

DenominatorThe denominator used for converting ticks into price and vice-versa.

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